Facebook murdered me and then erased all traces of my existence. The actions were much more than just a case of the company being judge, jury, and executioner. It was also the police, the undertaker, the cover-up agent, and the history eraser. Facebook, without any notice or justification, removed my 10+ years of original content — it deleted every post, picture, comment, like, tag, and Messenger chat. I can no longer be found on anyone’s Friends list and you cannot find me in a search.
I am not referring to being thrown in Facebook Jail, which to my understanding is a temporary suspension due to violating community standards. Instead, Facebook disabled my account and I no longer exist. I have never been put in Facebook jail and have never received any kind of warning.
I am innocent of all charges — although Facebook has not made any charges.
This is not America where you are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty by a jury of your peers. No, this is the totalitarian state of Facebookland, where you are declared guilty on a whim, not notified of the charges, not allowed to present a defense, and your prior existence is erased from history.
Facebook requires you to log in to your account to contact company support, but it won’t let anyone log in with a disabled account — a classic Catch-22. My emails to [email protected], [email protected], and [email protected] have all received no response. The company hasn’t informed me what I allegedly did to receive this treatment. I am not able to use https://www.facebook.com/hacked or https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/260749603972907 because they fail with “The email address you entered is not associated with a Facebook account” or “Your account has been disabled” or “going too fast” messages.
Various online searches claim Facebook accounts that have been disabled will become permanently disabled after 30 days. It has now been 20 days and I have yet to get any kind of response from the company.
Sequence of Events
Here is what happened:
- The last time I accessed my Facebook account was the evening of October 1, 2023 from Smyrna, Georgia, USA.
- When I woke up on the morning of October 2, there was a message on my phone that my Facebook password had been changed from Vietnam.
- I attempted to access Facebook and it said my password was incorrect. Facebook obviously recognized me because it said it appeared I was using an old password, which had been changed a few hours ago.
- Facebook then asked whether I wanted to verify my account via an email address of yds….@dig… or via phone at +8562…457. I did not recognize either one and +856 is the country code for Laos, a country I have never been in.
- I tried logging in with my phone number as well as my email address.
- Facebook said it sent a 6-digit verification code to +8562098263457
- I was somehow able to add my correct email address to the account. Facebook asked me to confirm this address with confirmation code 66309 (a 5-digit code).
- Facebook then asked me to confirm my identity and I used the option of uploading images of my driver’s license
- I was thanked for confirming my identity and reminded that since I had two-factor authentication turned on, I would need to enter an authentication code. It provided me with a password of 7iKx3fzaeO
- I received a reminder to secure my login details which referenced the incorrect email address of [email protected]
- I received a “We suspended your account” notice with the following: Your account was suspended because your linked Instagram account hoangthieutrang doesn’t follow our rules. Log into your linked Instagram account to appeal our decision. (Note: the so-called linked Instagram account is not mine and I therefore have no ability to log in and appeal).
- I then received an “Account Disabled” notice. Your account has been disabled. If you have any questions or concerns, you can visit our FAQ page here. (Note: all potential remedies listed there require you to log in, which I cannot do).
- On October 3, I tried to use the “Get back into your account” link but was informed I was trying this too many times or too quickly and that I should wait and try again. I attempted this a few more times over the next three weeks with the same result.
- I tried once more on October 17 and received a message that my address was not on the account disabled list.
Removed Content
I have been publishing original content for more than 30 years and have been engaged in online publishing for more than 20 years. I publish on various platforms, depending on the audience I am attempting to reach. I chose Facebook as the predominant platform for my travel and class reunion content because the audience for this type of content consists primarily of friends and family.
The following original content created over the past 10 years has been removed, erased, or both by Facebook:
- 278 class reunion images and 37 class reunion posts, which also impacted my 400+ classmates
- More than 1,400 images with commentary on European travel
- More than 500 images with commentary on domestic travel
- An undetermined quantity of other original images, posts, and observations
I am not able to access any of my original content.
Here are the images and screenshots described above I captured as Facebook erased me.

I have never used Facebook. But I can imagine how upsetting for all of those memoirs to have been removed. You seem to have been victim of a phishing attack. I am so sorry the support has not been there to help you recover your account.
Hi. Same happened to me with a hacker from Vietnam. Were you able to make any progress?
I was just going to message you on Facebook, and then remembered you’d been deleted. Texted you, but not sure it’s still your number.
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