It Needs To Be Over

A gloomy scary road lined by carbon-copy trees
No branches swaying, a complete lack of breeze
Timidly advancing my forward progress of travel
New chills emerge with each step on the gravel
Daytime here always seems quite inviting
Tonight it’s quite different, ever so frightening
Moonbeams can’t find their way through the trees
Shivers up my spine, bestowing no empathy
Voices behind me, or is my mind playing tricks
Something scurried up ahead, my gaze now transfixed
Sights and sounds combine to make my skin crawl
Am I sleeping, I don’t know, I’m ready to bawl
This grizzly night’s walk needs to be over you see
I pray it’s just a nightmare, not a new reality


The above is an Opposite Poem for the poem I wrote called It Was Good While It Lasted on January 20, 2020. It is repeated below.


It Was Good While It Lasted

This dirt road takes me far from the city
Left behind is my self-doubt and pity
Through twist and turn my travels unfold
With rose-colored glasses the tales are told
Around the bend that always haunts me
Is the open meadow that beckons softly
The sun through the trees creates a halo effect
Then comes a tug of reality that I must respect
From my slumber I have now retracted
But my dream it was good, while it lasted


Linked to dVerse Poets Pub — Poetics: Flipping Meanings Lisa, aka msjadeli, is hosting and wants us to write an Opposite Poem, flipping the meaning. Option 2: Choose one of your own poems and flip the meaning on it as shown in the video. Please include your original poem along with your flipped poem.

I chose not to opposite every word, but to turn a trip down a dirt road from a pleasant dream to a nightmare.

Linked to It Was Good While It Lasted

10 thoughts on “It Needs To Be Over”

  1. Pingback: It Was Good While It Lasted - Navigating This Thing We Call Life

  2. Ron, after reading both poems, I see the stark contrast in mood. Your first one reminds me of a movie I saw not long ago, called, “Vivarium.” As you can imagine it was a surreal horror movie!

    I very much enjoyed reading both poems.

  3. the fact that you kept to a rhyme as well as ‘flipping’ is doubly praiseworthy/
    I like also how you echoed the uncertainty “round the bend that always haunts me
    Is the open meadow that beckons softly ” to similar scared feelings
    “Timidly advancing my forward progress of travel
    New chills emerge with each step on the gravel “

  4. I love the eeriness of your reverse poem, Ron, especially the ‘carbon-copy trees’ through moonbeams can’t find their way.

  5. This is fabulous! I love; “Moonbeams can’t find their way through the trees /The sun through the trees creates a halo effect.”

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