Puente Nuevo shines at night Beauty revealed by grace of light Entrancing all within its sight Thirty-four years in the making With Andalusia sun baking An eventful undertaking Three hundred twenty feet in height Three arches constructed of stone Withstanding all winds that have blown Two plus centuries have shown Spanning El Tajo gorge with might Its one-arch predecessor failed As fifty souls perished and flailed Held inside enemies were jailed Prison during Civil War fight Visitors come from miles away Struck with awe and nothing to say Lovers embrace and gently sway Daytime viewing also delights Hemmingway and Welles loved you too Splendid architectural view In Ronda a home to so few Puente Nuevo shines at night
Image: “Puente Nuevo at Night” by Ron Rowland, Sep 23, 2021
Linked to dVerse Poets Pub — Poetry Form: Zéjel where Grace is hosting and challenged us to write a poem in Zéjel poetry form.
Zéjel is a Spanish form with Arabic influence related to the Qasida and adopted by the Spanish troubadours of 15th century. It may have appeared even earlier, around the tenth century in Moorish Spain as part of a movement looking for freedom from the classical forms of the day.

View from our apartment in Ronda, Spain. Gotta’ love COVID travel bargains.
More poems about Spain.
Beautiful, Ron, you took me right back there! I once when down into the canyon and tried to get through the tunnel at the bottom, but it was closed at one end.
Thanks Ingrid. They are zip-lining across the gorge today. BTW, we didn’t stop in Malaga but said “hi” for you as we drove through.
Oh my goodness, some people are crazy! Thanks for that Ron.
You took us there with you with this awesome verse.
Thanks Punam.
You are welcome, Ron.
The yellow stone is magnificent with the light. Trying to imagine the scale of this architecture and failing, even with the surrounding building for contrast. You and your wife are blessed to have this view! Wow!
Msjadeli, you are correct. We are very blessed indeed.
Beautiful view with that light. I admire that grace of light.
How appropriate to the poetic form: your Zéjel makes Puente Nuevo shine!
This poem shines!
What a wonderful and beautiful bridge… well told to form
Are you ok my friend?!? I haven’t seen you in a while. Please be well. Sending you good vibes.
Doing great. Thanks for your concern. I was out of the country for six weeks (just returned a couple of days ago) on a wonderful vacation/tour of Spain and Portugal. There will be numerous posts with a Spanish and/or Portuguese flavor forthcoming. I wrote and posted this one while there, but I found posting via my phone to be too difficult of a task — so this was my one and only while on the road.
So glad to know. We’re living in crazy times. I was concerned. Be well. See you around.
impressive structure, you aced the format … great location!
So you’re travelling during covid … how did that happen?
Thanks. Travel during COVID was great — no crowds, super bargains. It was a six-week vacation requiring extensive planning and booking cancelable accommodations. Spain and Portugal have excellent vaccination rates and very low positive case rates — we felt safer there than in the USA.
well I had no idea, good for you … what a smart and fun plan! Aus govt locked us in, no planes to catch!
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