Why Groundhog Day Is My Favorite Holiday
No presents to buy or gifts to wrap,
no cards to send,
no cake to bake,
no songs to sing,
no special greetings to remember,
no decorations to hang or take down,
no invitations to send,
no special clothes or costumes to wear,
no holiday visitors dropping by,
no special meals to prepare,
no weight gain,
no hangover,
no interruption of regularly scheduled programming,
no fear of commercialism replacing the religious meaning,
no burns from faulty fireworks,
no holiday anxiety attacks,
no penalty if you forget what day it is,
and if it’s a crappy day, you can do it over and over again until you get it right.
Tagged: Is it Poetry? (or just a bunch of words)

“Why Groundhog Day is My Favorite Holiday” was originally published on Feb 2, 2010 on my FaceBook page.

A special meme for 2021 (will we remember this in the future?)
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lol I bow to your superior wisdom … the opposite of these are the exact drawbacks of our other holidays! And loved that movie 🙂
Say, I never thought of it that way! I don’t suppose the day appeals much to children, but to those of us whose hair has lost its colour and our arthritis is flaring… 🙂