Navigating This Thing We Call Life
– Rally
– Travelogue
– Poetry
As you are probably aware, life is not a straight road. Navigation of the twists, turns, forks, and dead-ends is a must. For me, the key to navigating life has been doing what makes me happy, whatever that may be, and wherever that may take me. I do like to plan ahead, but life doesn’t always follow our planned course, no matter how detailed those plans might be.
You've traveled so far, the wind in your face you're thinking you've found the one special place where all your dreams will walk out in line, and follow the course you've made in your mind Well, it isn't gonna be that way - from "It Isn't Gonna Be That Way" Steve Forbert, 1978
I will be writing about things of interest to me. I’m also going to dig deep into the way-back machine and bring up stories from my childhood to the current day, and everything in between. Perhaps even some looks into the future. Nothing is sacred, and nothing will be taken for granted. My life’s journey is not over. You are invited to join me for the next chapter as I continue Navigating This Thing We Call Life.
Ron’s Blog
In one of my former lives, I operated investment websites for about 15 years. I never liked the word “blog” because to me it implied something unprofessional or lacking in journalistic standards. I always preferred the word “article” to describe my investment posts. Perhaps I’ve reached an age where I can better appreciate the word, or maybe I’ve just gone soft in my old age. You can call it whatever you want — all of my posts will be here in my blog. If you want to see the posts from just one category, then use the handy “Post Categories” widget available in the sidebar.
Recent Posts
- This Rally Clock Has EverythingWell, maybe not everything, but everything you desire in a rally clock while remaining compliant with the rules. Its features include a large, easy-to-read dial, a dual-function rotating bezel, a convenient… Read more: This Rally Clock Has Everything
- 2024 Great Race: Team SuperNovaTeam SuperNova consisting of driver Erin Liberty, navigator Ron Rowland, and a 1962 Chevrolet Nova competed in the 2024 Great Race. One hundred thirty-seven (137) teams took the green flag in… Read more: 2024 Great Race: Team SuperNova
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- Great Race PreparationThe following “true story” about the Great Race preparation makes liberal use of the concept, rhyme scheme, meter, and some lines from “Hotel California” by the Eagles. The 1977 song was… Read more: Great Race Preparation
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My Other Websites
Rowland Genealogy – More than just a tree, our mission is to cross-reference (Xref) every Rowland Y-DNA test-taker to their descendant trees, and to be a center-of-competence for genealogy research related to the Rowland surname (and its variants).
Bowport Homes – we renovate homes as if we are going to live there ourselves.
Interesting you. I also have never liked ‘blog’. It is amateurish and unprofessional. It’s a ‘weblog’, a log of what you write and store on the web. Blog is just bastardisation of weblog. i call it a website., or site, never a blog.