Garden Haikus

Wound tight like coiled spring
awaiting the morning light
dew on daylilies

Hostas landing pad
bees extract nectar all day
soon will be honey

Vibrant reds and pinks
enjoyed by all passing by
sunny petunias

Hydrangea blossoms
not quite ready for prime time
the wait is worth it

Zinnias grow quickly
stand tall and reach for the sun
started out as seeds

Bright proud coleus
called painted nettle by some
variegated thrill

You say tomato
I say BLT sandwich
ripened on the vine


Credits: Garden by Patti Rowland, images by Ron Rowland

Linked to dVerse Poets Pub — Poetics: Garden(ing), where co-founder Claudia asks us to celebrate the 10th anniversary of dVerse with a gardening poem.

Shared with Bad Haiku Club

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16 thoughts on “Garden Haikus”

  1. So nice that you’re allowing us a glimpse into your garden. The haikus work so well here. If I had to pick a favorite, it would be the tomato haiku – nice

  2. It looks like you know your garden, Ron! I love the combination of word and image. Especially now I learned the name of the ‘coleus’ – my mother-in-law picked some last week and I asked what it was. In Slovenian its just called ‘nettle.’ So I was none the wiser, until now!

    1. Thanks, I had a lot of help identifying many of the flowers. Looks like I might have mentioned your mother-in-law in the second line of the coleus haiku.

  3. Amazing, isn’t it, that those zinnias come from tiny seeds. It’s always fascinated me that the seeds die to give life. Beautiful poem and photos. What amazing colors too.

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