Heartbreak Hurts

Painful as a thistle stuck in your throat
My lover told me I no longer float her boat
The tree house I built her with so much flare
Went up in flames, she no longer cares
Like a slow moving glacier destroys all in its path
My life is in shambles from this surprise bloodbath

My response was stuck on the tip of my tongue
Unable to speak I just remained stunned
My emotions now demolished, I am in defeat
Like a summer squash smashed all over the street
Yes, out of the blue she has broken my heart
With my sunshine gone, guess I’ll try a fresh start


Heartbreak Hurts is my poem in response to Linda Kruschke’s Paint Chip Poetry Challenge Prompt #12. The challenge is to write a poem in response to the prompt card that includes at least four of the seven paint chip words or phrases. The prompt phrase is Heartbreak and the prompt words are: thistle, tip of the tongue, tree house, out of the blue, sunshine, summer squash, and glacier. Maybe this challenge will break your heart as I fiendishly make it more difficult than usual. So your challenge, should you accept it, is to write a 12-line poem (because this is the 12th paint chip prompt) using at least 4 of the paint chip words or phrases.

See more Paint Chip Poetry.

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