Hello, I’m a Bonobo

Hello, you’ve probably never heard of me
I’m a Bonobo, just sitting in this breezy tree

I may not look like you, and that’s okay
Although I share 98.7% of your human DNA

In fact, I’m the closest of any specie to a human
It’s a shame my once lush homeland is near ruin

I’m classified as a great ape, which may surprise you all
Because when I stand up, I’m less than three feet tall

I live south of the Congo River, where the jungle is thick
And the bronze sun appears, then goes away real quick

We’re rather social and peaceful in many respects
Led by females, we often resolve conflicts with sex

If you knew more about me, your eyes might mist
That’s because I’m on the endangered species list


To learn more about the Bonobo and how you can help, please visit the Bonobo page at the World Wildlife Fund.


My poem in response to Linda Kruschke’s Paint Chip Poetry Challenge Prompt #36. This week the theme is Endangered Species. My challenge to you is pick a critically endangered or endangered species from the list posted on World Wildlife Fund website and write an ode to that animal. The paint chip words and phrases to consider using in your ode are goldfishred rock desertcabbage patchmistbreezybronze, and quicksilver. I would like you to use at least three of these words or phrases.

Linked to earthweal open link weekend #60.

8 thoughts on “Hello, I’m a Bonobo”

  1. This is written in a cute way, but you also included interesting facts. You showed why we should care about the bonobo, other than, “It’s so cute!” As usual, the couplets are very effective. 🙂

  2. I loved reading about this sweet creature. Sad to know it is endangered, along with so many other beings. Thanks for spreading awareness.

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