It Takes Two To Tango
The dragonfly is not alone
Two together are in a zone
The laws of nature must condone
Because it takes two to tango
Lovers call up and say hello
Agree to meet at the chateau
Actions produce a nice warm glow
Rejoice, it takes two to tango
Flirting commences on the bus
No plans at all do they discuss
When it’s over her hair’s a muss
Ah yes, it takes two to tango
Night calls out to all who listen
Offers escape from lone prison
Some accept without suspicion
Alas, it takes two to tango
Dance is merely innuendo
Action builds to a crescendo
Parting now sans a memento
Because it takes two to tango

Linked to Linda Kruschke’s Kyrielle Paint Chip Poetry.
KYRIELLE (keer-ee-el’) French four-line stanza form in which each line contains eight syllables and the fourth line is a refrain.
If the refrain rhymes with other lines, the usual rhyme schemes are aabB ccbB (etc.) and abaB cbcB (etc.). If the refrain is not rhymed, the rhyme scheme is usually aaaR bbbR (etc.). In either case, the capital letter indicates a refrain, either rhymed (B) or unrhymed (R). Theodore Roethke uses the kyrielle, with an unrhymed refrain, for some of his light verse and nonsense poems, such as “Dinky.” — Definition from the poetry dictionary by John Drury.
THE CHALLENGE: The paint chip words and phrases you have to work with are it takes two to tango, black widow, Niagara Falls, dragonfly, warm glow, orange you glad, and tissue. I would like you to use at least three of these words or phrases, including one as part of your repeating refrain.
See more Paint Chip Poetry.
Nice one! I thought you might choose that phrase for your refrain. 😉
I absolutely love this!
Very well done!