Jumping the Beltane Fire

It’s time to drive the cattle dear
To summer pastures high in the hills
You light the fire where they now graze
I’ll set a fire at the destination

I’ll then return to commence the drive
As we have a hundred head to move
Passing each one through the smoke
Protecting them on their journey

Starting at dusk tomorrow evening
This Beltane drive will last all night
I’ve built a chute at the other end
To make them jump the fire

Once they’ve gone through, we’ll jump too
For the fertility that has not found us
As the fire dies down, we’ll bath in ash
Ensuring this year will be fruitful

Exhausted from our dutiful task
We’ll collapse in tight embrace
Our slumber filled with dreams of
Jumping the Beltane Fire


Linked to earthweal weekly challenge: APPROACHING BELTANE (BRIGHT FIRE), hosted by Sarah Connor

4 thoughts on “Jumping the Beltane Fire”

  1. I have seen people jumping the Beltane fire but didnt know that cattle did too. I love that the smoke will protect them on their journey.

  2. A delightful capture of jumping the Beltane fire, Ron! I like the conversational tone, the direct address and the feeling of being there with the cattle, passing through the smoke, and the poignant lines:
    ‘Once they’ve gone through, we’ll jump too
    For the fertility that has not found us’
    ‘Exhausted from our dutiful task
    We’ll collapse in tight embrace
    Our slumber filled with dreams of
    Jumping the Beltane Fire’.

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