Shiver Me Timbers

Shiver me timbers
the captain said
an utterance of words
that accompany dread

If enemy cannonballs
continue hitting this ship
down to Davy Jones’ Locker
we’ll all go in a bit

As long as our
Jolly Roger waves
I’ll remain hopeful
for safer days


Linked to dVerse Poets Pub — Quadrille #144: Shivering!, where Merril is hosting and asked us to pen a quadrille using the word shiver.


Quadrille: A poetic form introduced at dVerse Poets Pub circa 2011. The rules for Quadrille: not including the title, a poem of exactly 44 words using the prompt word or its variant.

Quadrille Defined in a Quadrille

24 thoughts on “Shiver Me Timbers”

  1. So cool. I thought up those very words when I read the prompt, but that’s where the THINK ended. haha. So glad I read this. Thanks. Splendid. Love this pirate greeting.

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