The Future Arrives Tomorrow

The future looks bright with a red velvet sunrise
It will be many hours before clouds fill the skies

The day’s early light will foster the morning glory bloom
After being closed up all night it can’t come too soon

By late afternoon, it will be shaded by the bluff
The peace and tranquility shall be more than enough

A terra-cotta sunset will put forth a display
I can honestly say, it will be a good day


Linked to Linda Kruschke’s Paint Chip Poetry Challenge Prompt #35. This week the theme is The Future. The paint chip words and phrases are  morning gloryred velvetterra-cotta, and bluff The three angel words are: honestylight, and peace. The challenge is to use one of the angel card words to shape your future world and use all four paint chip words as colors.

See more Paint Chip Poetry.

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