What The World Needs

The Cheshire cat will not appear on a full moon
A trip to the dentist will not end too soon
Rubbing the genie lamp will not grant your wish
Sitting and hoping will not fill the dinner dish
What the world needs is less “will nots”
Start thinking positive and connect the dots

If your cotton candy is sticky then jump in the pool
A rock is just a rock but can make a great tool
Don’t let a new dandelion create any hysteria
The new arboretum has a wonderful wisteria
What the world needs are positive thoughts
Try eliminating the negatives and give it a shot


Linked to Linda Kruschke’s Paint Chip Poetry Challenge Prompt #10. The challenge is to write a poem in response to the prompt card that includes at least five of the seven paint chip words or phrases. The prompt phrase is What the World Needs and the prompt words are: arboretum, pool, dandelion, cotton candy, wonderful wisteria, full moon, and genie lamp.

See more Paint Chip Poetry.

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