
I’m a dreamer, and I’m not ashamed to admit it. I’ve always been one, for as long as I can remember. Daydreaming is what I’m referring to, not those sleep time fictional visuals that no one can seem to explain. Usually, I’m just dreaming about the future, trying to imagine what my life will be like at some point in time down the road, or after a specific event. I’m an optimist, so all of my daydreaming tends to paint a rosy future with a successful conclusion. I learned long ago that worrying, or envisioning a not-so-enjoyable future, is neither productive nor healthy. If you are a dreamer, come in, the stories are about to start. I’ll share some of my dreams with you as long as you are willing to reciprocate. Together, we can possibly turn our dreams into reality.


Linked to dVerse Poets Pub — Prosery: Meet me where the sidewalk ends... hosted tonight by Lillian.

The assigned line is from ‘Invitation’ by Shel Silverstein.  
If you are a dreamer, come in.”

Prosery Rules:

  1. Use an assigned line in the body of your prose. You may change the punctuation and capitalization, but you are not allowed to insert any words within the line itself. You can add words at the beginning and/or at the end of the line; but the line itself must remain intact.
  2. Your prose can be either flash fiction, nonfiction, or creative nonfiction. YOU CAN NOT WRITE A POEM for this prompt. AND, your prose should be no longer than 144 words, sans title. It does not have to be exactly 144 words. But it can be no longer than 144 words.


Related: Contemplating My Navel

23 thoughts on “Daydreaming”

  1. Love this response to the prompt! And oh yes….I’m definitely with you on the positive thinking and the benefit of daydreaming. I’ll definitely dream with you…..great ideas often come in the midst of daydreaming. I think I do my best daydreaming when we make our annual 2 week trip to Provincetown, MA — at the very tip of Cape Cod. We’ve been going there every year since 1997. When we had our jobs, we went during the VERY busy tourist season of July. Now that we’re rejuvenated (never say retired), we have the luxury of going for two weeks in September…no crowds, beautiful weather. Strolling beside the ocean or sitting on our deck (at high tide the ocean laps at the stairs to our deck) is so calming…the mind wanders in the most positive way! So glad you posted to the prompt….dream on!

  2. I often daydream about being a best-selling author, and getting to do talks with other writers that I’ve admired for years. The chances of reaching that level of success are very, very slim, but it’s still something to aspire to and it’s better than assuming I’ll never get there and there’s no point in trying. I think we could all do with some more optimism for ourselves at times.

  3. Love the idea of sharing our dreams and daydreams. Sometimes it only takes a nudge from another person’s perspective to turn our dreams to realities.

  4. I can’t imagine anyone not being a dreamer, Ron, although I know that some people claim not to dream, proud pragmatists who haven’t a creative bone in their bodies. I too am a daydreamer and optimist, although I do have the odd dark daydream, and am always happy to share!

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