A Love So Strong

Quietly she enters the room
I catch a scent of her perfume
I’m quite lucky to be her groom
Our love does bloom; our love does bloom

She beckons me when drawing near
Her beside me removes all fear
I pray it lasts, many a year
A love so dear; a love so dear

I take notice, she needs no lures
Adventurous as daily tours
Heartache vanquished, she’s all my cures
Our love endures; our love endures

Wanting to make each day last long
Loving her will never be wrong
She is the reason for this song
A love so strong; a love so strong


Linked to dVerse Poets Pub — Poetry Form: Monotetra, where Grace is hosting and challenged us to o write a poem in monotetra form. 

Monotetra: a poetic form developed by Michael Walker, the monotetra. Here are the basic rules:

  • Comprised of quatrains (four-line stanzas) in tetrameter (four metrical feet) for a total of 8 syllables per line
  • Each quatrain consists of mono-rhymed lines (so each line in the first stanza has the same type of rhyme, as does each line in the second stanza, etc.)
  • The final line of each stanza repeats the same four syllables. This is what makes the monotetra so powerful as a poetic form – the last line contains two metrical feet, repeated.
  • This poem can be as short as 1 or 2 quatrains and as long as a poet wishes.

18 thoughts on “A Love So Strong”

  1. Beverly Crawford

    Your loved one must have an album of love notes, Ron, you wrote them so eloquently and well. This one is no exception.

  2. I hope your wife sees this. How wonderful this poem is. I adore this as words and belief:
    “Heartache vanquished, she’s all my cures”

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